
Visitor Centre Services


If you are experiencing any issues with visiting someone in prison, our Visitor Centre staff are here to help. You can contact them from Tuesday to Friday from 10am-2pm on the following numbers:


Magilligan: 07483065903 or 028 77750235

Hydebank: 07980711044 or 028 90253849

Maghaberry: 07483065745 or 028 92611213



Visitor Centres at Maghaberry, Magilligan and Hydebank aim to:


-   Maximise the visiting experence by ensuring that families and friends feel welcome, supported and confident about visiting someone in prison

-  Keep families connected

-   Improve access to impartial practical support which meets visitors' needs  

-   Support families to have a positive visiting experience

-   Provide services to meet the needs of children and young people


-   Support people in prison to have maintained and increased contact with their family and community

 Inform prison policies, facilities, services and procedures by gaining visitors’ perspectives


-   Improve communication between prison staff and visitors 

-   Develop and increase partnerships between community organisations, Visitor Centres  and families



