

What is STEM?

STEM is a floating support service within NIACRO’s APAC programme. STEM provides support and assistance to people whose tenancy may be at risk due to harassment or intimidation because of their ethnicity.

STEM is funded by the Supporting People fund through the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

What does STEM offer?

The project works to improve the social inclusion of people from ethnic minority backgrounds, removing barriers to integration and encouraging participation in society. It promotes positive community responses to dealing with incidents of intimidation and works alongside other organisations which seek to promote community integration. The team also provide practical advice, support and assistance on a range of issues, including:

  • Support to access education, employment and training
  • Advice on accessing social security
  • Support to establish social networks and engage with community groups
  • Support to deal with intimidation, including mediation
  • Assistance in completing forms and making appointments

How can I access this service?

STEM is available for people from ethnic minority backgrounds who have a tenancy (or who have been offered a tenancy) in the Greater Belfast area and who are at risk of harassment or intimidation due to their ethnicity.

We work with people who have, or are a taking up, a tenancy with the Housing Executive, a housing association, or a private landlord.

For more information and advice about STEM, please contact us.

Download information for tenants.

Download information for referrers.

OISC Registration Number: N201700004
