
Families Crucial to Reducing Reoffending

Research published this week has shown close connections between those in prison and family members can significantly reduce the risk of reoffending. In a landmark review, ‘Importance of strengthening prisoners’ family ties to prevent reoffending and reduce intergenerational crime’, Lord Farmer has identified family as the “golden thread” running through the reforms across the prison estate.

In September 2016 Lord Farmer, in partnership with the membership charity Clinks, was commissioned by the government to investigate how connecting those in prison with their families can improve their wellbeing, assist in keeping the public safe and reduce reoffending. The review listened to over 1,000 men in prison as well as their families, voluntary organisations across the UK, prison staff and academics.

NIACRO welcomes the report conclusion that quality family services will help people turn away from crime and it will support families to cope. We believe that family support is a crucial element to reducing reoffending. Voluntary organisations have pioneered best practice for many years and continue to support people in prison and their families to maintain relationships - ensuring that families can access the appropriate support and services which help lead to more effective resettlement.